Anniversary Of
Russian Flavor Manufacturing

State Registration of Flavorings

The state registration of food flavorings follows the procedure as described in Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiologic Welfare of the Population” dd. March 30, 1999, under No. 52-ФЗ. Certificates of State Registration have been issued since 24.06.2004.

The documents regulating the use of food flavorings on the territory of the Russian Federation, are:

  • certificates of state registration, issued by the Federal Agency of Supervision in the Sphere of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare; the period of validity for such certificates is established for the entire period of industrial manufacturing of Russian products or deliveries of import products; or
  • sanitary and epidemiologic certificates issued by the Federal Agency of Supervision in the Sphere of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare or the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, for the five-year period of validity.

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